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Technical inquiries
Gigi Kwik Gronvall, PhD
Senior Scholar, Associate Professor
If your company or institution is interested in your molecular, antigen, or serology based COVID-19 test or testing service being included on the COVID-19 Testing Toolkit, submit the following information.
We are interested in providing accurate, up to date information on COVID-19 molecular tests and services. Currently, we are only including tests that have received emergency use authorization (EUA) by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
Only submit this form if your institution is manufacturing a test that has already received EUA, or if you are a service providing a test with EUA; if you are selling/distributing a test produced by another company, we cannot list you as a manufacturer.
Submission of this form does not automatically result in inclusion on the website but will allow us to verify your test's or service's information.
Non-inclusion in this list should not be interpreted as judgement on validity or legitimacy of tests.